Ministry is an important aspect in the life of everyone who follows Christ. 参与部组建 gives our students the opportunity to serve others and develop their ministry skills.
The requirements for 参与 Ministry are planned as learning experiences which bring the student into vital relationships with people.
With this in mind each student should enter into his 参与 assignment wholeheartedly and perform his tasks as unto the Lord. The 参与 office will assist students by helping to plan practical experiences in line with the students’ vocational goals.
学生 should be open for guidance and constructive criticism from cooperating pastors and advisors.
联系 杰西卡·史密斯 了解更多信息.
参与 Ministry Opportunities
Many opportunities are available to students in local churches. Each week students fill places of ministry in churches of various denominations.
学生 are encouraged to fulfill their 参与 Ministry requirements in a church of their own denomination, 只要有可能. Opportunities available in local churches include the following:
- 助理牧师
- 音乐部长
- 主日学教师
- Child evangelism director; Children’s worker
- 教堂的音乐家
- 探访小组成员
- 主街教堂 – 主街教堂 ministers in a variety of ways to the people who live in downtown Cincinnati. The chapel offers a Sunday morning service and Sunday evening service (only for community people and those students specifically invited by the pastors). Weekday activities also occur under the direction of the pastors.
- 劳雷尔之家儿童俱乐部 – 劳雷尔之家儿童俱乐部 ministers to the children who live in the area of Cincinnati known as Laurel 首页s, which is a government housing project. Children who attend the Sunday afternoon Kid’s Club get to listen to Bible stories, 做手工艺品, 参与游戏, 吃点零食. The focus of the ministry group is to be an example for God and to teach the kids about Him.
- 祷告站事工 – The Prayer Station ministry utilizes a special Prayer Station booth that is set up every week the team goes out. The purpose of this ministry is to let people know that God loves them and wants them to come to Him.
- Wesley Chapel Mission Center – This is a non-profit organization that runs an after school program, providing a safe and educational environment for inner city kids after school 小时. GBS students are able to get hands-on ministry training and teaching experience.
This ministry attracts the unsaved to the gospel by using an interesting sketch board presentation right on the streets. This method literally draws crowds. 学生 are encouraged to participate in this for 参与 Ministry credit.
仪器 & 歌唱组
God’s Bible School and 大学 has enjoyed many blessings through the talents of its 音乐 Department. 每年学院合唱团, Symphonic Wind and String Ensemble (SWSE), quartets and trios perform on campus as well as travel to many churches and camps.
Visitation/Chaplaincy Ministry
The 参与 office has partnered with chaplains/volunteer coordinators at several care centers and hospitals around the Greater Cincinnati Area. Available opportunities are:
- Christ Hospital Volunteer Chaplaincy
- Good Samaritan Hospital Volunteer Chaplaincy
- 贾德森护理中心
- 皇后城临终关怀医院
- 基督教青年会志愿牧师
- 基督医院歌手
这是一个学生主导的活动, musical ministry that weekly visits Christ Hospital and sings Christian music in various parts of the hospital. The group is often invited into patient’s rooms to sing for individuals.
Community Service Opportunities
We understand the importance of reaching out to the community in which we are located with the goal of proclaiming Christ through our lives and acts of service. 学生 are encouraged to get involved with the Mt. 奥本社区.
Our campus is teeming with life. From the dorms, to the cafeteria, to The Commons students can be found living life abundantly.
仔细阅读 带什么去大学.
If you’re living on-campus you’re going to need an 访问卡, 邮箱的钥匙 and to get acquainted with the 学生手册.
你可能也需要 付款 or lookup a phone number or email in the faculty and staff directory.
看 GBS的经历 video to learn 更多的 about campus life
Coming to GBS was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life.