第九条 & 合规

62年_webOur college is dedicated to fostering 和 maintaining a safe, 健康的, 和 productive environment that meets the educational, 物理, 精神上的, 以及整个校园社区的社会需求. We value each individual on our campus 和 are committed to demonstrating this by providing support, 信息, 为所有学生和员工发声.

在这一页, you will find our statements on non-discrimination, 残疾合规, 第九条合规, 申诉程序, 以及校园安全程序. Our goal is to provide 信息 that will inform you of your rights 和 protections.


Our college does not discriminate on the basis of race, 性, color, 国家的起源, 年龄, 障碍, 资深地位, 遗传信息, 或者政治派别 条款 教育机会,bte365 activities, or 就业 opportunities 和 benefits.

残障设施 & 合规

It is our policy to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 as amended, 1973年康复法案第504条, 和 other applicable federal 和 state laws 和 regulations that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. Section 504 和 the ADA require that no qualified individual with an appropriately 记录, 披露的残疾, 由于这种残疾, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the 服务, bte365, 或学院的活动, or be subjected to discrimination by the 大学. 符合ADA的要求, opportunities afforded generally to our students are equally afforded to students with disabilities. We are committed to providing appropriate academic adjustments 和 auxiliary aids 和 服务 necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in our bte365.

It is our policy to respond to requests for accommodation(s) from qualified individuals 和 provide reasonable accommodations necessary to ensure equal access to 就业, 教育的机会, bte365, 服务, 和 activities in the most integrated setting appropriate.


电子邮件: cwatters@laolitaohuo.com

电子邮件: academics@laolitaohuo.com
电话:513-721-7944. 1241


We will not tolerate any form of behavior that could be reasonably interpreted as 性ual harassment, 性别歧视, 或者性暴力 against or by any of our students, 教师, 员工或访客.

We recognize the importance of fostering a learning environment in which all individuals can thrive 和 are motivated to do their best, 不同的背景强化了他们的能力, 视角, 以及生活经历. We are committed to maintaining a learning environment that is free of 性ual harassment, 性别歧视, 或者性暴力.

We hold to the unchanging truth of the Bible that 性ual intercourse is reserved for the marri年龄 of one man 和 one woman as His gift 和 for the sake of families. The Bible condemns as sin premarital 性 和 the trivializing of God’s gift of 性 in pornography, 性暗示行为, 或者性骚扰, 同性恋行为也是如此.

我们的政策是提供教育, 就业, 和 business environment free of all forms of 性 discrimination, including but not limited to unwelcome 性ual advances, 性要求, 还有其他口头上的, written or 物理 conduct or communications constituting 性ual harassment, as defined in this policy 和 as otherwise prohibited by state 和 federal statutes. 性骚扰, including acts of 性ual assault 和 性ual misconduct, is a form of 性 discrimination 和 is prohibited at our college. 大学生的性骚扰, 教师, 和工作人员 by non-大学 employees 和 guests doing business or providing 服务 on campus (e.g.(承包商和供应商) is 本政策禁止. 这项政策适用于所有大学生, 教师, 和工作人员, 给我们社区的其他成员, 对于承包商, 咨询顾问, 和 vendors doing business or providing 服务 to our college.

第九条政策 & 申诉程序


电子邮件: cwatters@laolitaohuo.com


Our college has designated the 第九条 Coordinator as the individual responsible for the coordination of efforts to comply with its responsibilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, in addition to issues related to 第九条 of the Educational Amendments of 1972 和 subsequent reauthorization of that act.

学生 with concerns or complaints arising out of the Institution’s responsibilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 may follow the 残疾相关申诉程序.



电子邮件: cwatters@laolitaohuo.com

Our college offers a grievance procedure where students may reveal their concerns, problems complaints with the confidence that there will be a prompt, 完整的, 公平的努力来解决冤屈. 学生 with concerns or complaints (not related to either a disability or 第九条 complaint) should following the 学生申诉程序.



学生事务处,Sonja Vernon
电子邮件: svernon@laolitaohuo.com
电话:513-721-7944. 1252

校园的意识 & 安全

We urge members of our campus community to follow established safety guidelines 和 actively involve themselves in maintaining a safe 和 secure environment. 学生 are expected to report any suspicious persons or activity. We maintain security guards, security cameras, electronic access doors  一个有战略意义的警报系统. For 更多的 信息 contact the 学生事务处.

According to the requirements of the student’s Right-To-Know 和 Campus 安全 Act, as amended by the Higher Education Technical Amendments of 1991, we publish 和 distribute an annual security report which is available to all students 和 employees. 本报告可在互联网上浏览,网址为 http://ope.ed.gov /Security/.

Our institution also reports to the campus community incidents of criminal activity such as: 入室盗窃, 强行或非强行盗窃机动车辆, 抢劫, 加重攻击罪, 性犯罪或谋杀. All crimes reported to campus security authorities or local police 年龄ncies, 和 considered by this institution to represent a threat to students or employees will be announced or published in an effort to prevent similar crimes.



Vice 总统 for Student Affairs, Sonja Vernon
电话:513-721-7944. 1252
电子邮件: svernon@laolitaohuo.com
